Try A Free Red Light Wellness Treatment At The A4M Show May 18-20 Orlando, FL

Chronic Inflammation: The Slow Killer

While many focus on fat content and checking their cholesterol, many ignore a critical concern in the body: chronic inflammation. Inflammation is normal in the body since it helps the body fend off various viruses, parasites, and bacteria. The instant these come into the body, inflammation counters an attack to fend off the invader, and then quickly, the inflammation subsides, and the body heals. It’s your body's job to slow down whatever foreign pathogen is in the body to allow our immunity to create antibodies to fight it off.

In our current environment, humans are bombarded with air pollution, tobacco smoke we inhale directly or indirectly, the inflammatory foods we eat, and the 80,000 other chemicals we can be exposed to daily sets our body's defense into high gear. The problem begins when this defense system does not shut off and becomes chronic inflammation.

Lots of medical research has been done on inflammation, and they understand inflammation is the root cause of many illnesses like Heart Attacks, arthritis, strokes, colon cancer, diverticulitis, and inflammation even attacks nerve cells in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients. Research has even shown that inflammation can foster abnormal cell growth, leading to cancer.


So what can we do?

We should start a healthy diet, including fruits, vegetables, and fish, to disable those free radicals. Add thirty minutes of exercise to reduce stress in the body and dampen the 'fire' inside. And last but certainly not least, add Red Light Wellness sessions to your lifestyle. Red light therapy stimulates our mitochondria, allows our cells to absorb ATP and oxygen, and assists the body in evacuating all those free radicals and inflammation ASAP!


The Fire Inside
Inflammation: The Common Pathway To Disease
MAY 18 – 20
Orlando, FL 


Hands-Free Healing That Works


Try A Red Light Wellness Treatment at Symposium 2023