Reverse the signs of cardiovascular aging and fend off deadly diseases with Red Light Wellness.

Here at Red Light Wellness (RLW), we joke that by buying a piece of our equipment, you are joining the ‘Vampire Club’ but now our jokes have merit according to a study published in Lasers in Surgery and Medicine which included a preclinical study of how an aging heart responds to near-infrared light. Investigators, Arany and Lakatta, of The National Institute on Aging spent five months observing mice in their middle stage of life with the goal of treating chronic heart disease with photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy.  

The study noted improvement regarding elasticity and size of the heart – both indicators of future health risks if left untreated. The PBM treatments also mitigated the thickness of the cardiac wall. “As muscle thickens, it becomes stiffer, and the pumping action of the heart is less effective,” Arany says. Improvement in coordination was another extraordinary outcome, telling us that near-infrared light therapy is a viable option to repair nerve damage. I personally can tell you since doing RLW; I feel more sturdy on my feet. This study used an 850nm light sourced through an overhead LED for 10 minutes each week. After three months, the proteins responsible for regulating stem cell behavior were present in higher quantities among treated mice, the same proteins that repair cells and form new blood vessels. Nearly half of the mice not exposed to 850nm experienced heart failure as abnormal cells formed and cardiac dysfunction progressed, whereas all treated organisms survived the trial period. Results show that near-infrared light is an effective health supplement to restore cell function. 

Read more on this study here.


Dr. Mercer, Professor and Laser Safety Officer at Logan University, Talks Red Light Therapy.


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